Health problems on board


After health professionals, cabin crew must rate as one of the professions most exposed to communicable illnesses while on the job and, unlike doctors and nurses, there’s not much in the way of protection on hand, and no escape route!  Add to that the long, intensive hours worked and jet lag, how can flight attendants possibly boost their immunity and minimise sick days?

Resultado de imagem para on board flight

You’ll know the importance of keeping hands clean and keeping hydrated, getting enough sleep and perhaps taking supplements, but what else can you do?

Here’s a fascinating article which reports the results of a survey on illness among cabin crew.  Let’s read through that and then lighten up with some great healthy tips.

Statistics comprehension

  1. 1 in 7 of the staff surveyed had to take more than _________ sick leave in the previous year.
  2. 1 in 23 was diagnosed with _______________ even though the average age of those surveyed was 40
  3. For the general (British) population, the rate of diagnosis for the under 44 age group is as low as 1 in _________.
  4. 1 in 20 reported being diagnosed with __________  __________ syndrome.
  5. This compares with 1 in _________ for the general population.
Extra resource:

Healthy tips for cabin crew!

  • Make the decision to become more health conscious. Learn about the different supplements and healthy foods available, and what they can do for you
  • Before you fly, research healthy food and lifestyle options at your destination
  • While flying, avoid eating from the menu.  As much as possible, take your own healthy snacks, such as fruit, nuts or yogurt, and home-cooked meals. Plan ahead with other cabin crew to each bring some healthy food to share
  • Investigate natural cold and flu prevention and remedies that boost immunity, strengthen the respiratory system and relieve symptoms with side effect or unpleasant odour
  • Carry essential oils with you and use them in a steam bath or on your pillow
  • Try some different relaxation techniques and choose one that you find works best for you



  1. A month
  2. Cancer
  3. 200
  4. Chronic Fatigue
  5. 1000
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